Our Terms and Conditions are designed to provide helpful information about how we do business so customers and prospects can make informed decisions about working with us and what to expect. If you have questions or concerns about any of the information provided here, please contact us.
When you place an order with Acorn Assembly, these are the Terms and Conditions that will govern that order and our working relationship with you, even if you have your own company Terms and Conditions and those are listed on Purchase Orders, your website or anywhere else.
Our acceptance of a customer’s order is subject to and made conditional upon these Terms and Conditions. Acorn Assembly objects to any customer’s terms in addition or different from these terms. In any event, a customer’s acceptance of our quote or services constitutes a customer’s acceptance of these terms. Unless we expressly agree in a signed document, these terms, including all documents specified by us as part of these terms, constitute the entire agreement between Acorn Assembly and our customers and supersedes all other agreements and understandings regarding the subject matter hereof. These terms shall not in any way be changed by any oral statements or provisions of any of customer’s forms or documents.
Getting a quote is easy – fill out a form with project details like # of assemblies, turn time, and upload project files. Our team will work hard to find the best solution that meets your needs while providing an accurate quote on time and within budget.
3817 Nicholson Rd,
Franksville, WI 53126
To receive a quote, please include # of assemblies, requested turn time, and upload project files.